Functional Health.

COMING SOON! Through this approach we look for the root cause of the problem and try to eliminate it at the source. 

$199 for your first visit.

What to expect.

  • Consultation

    Our goal at La Pop is to get to the root cause of your health issues and use a Functional Medicine approach to drastically improve your health and ultimately your life. Your Functional Health Consultation will consist of a detailed intake to understand your health, your diet, your lifestyle, and your family health history. This will allow us to get a complete picture of your case and tailor your labs and protocols to exactly what you need.

  • Lab Work

    As Functional Medicine Practitioners we understand that every patient is unique, which is why we use lab tests that are specific to each patient. These labs may include bloodwork, hormone testing, metabolic testing and more. We will focus on optimal lab values which are more narrow that standard lab values to find patterns and markers that will help us to spot trends toward disease. If we catch these markers early on we can create a specific protocol to give your body the best chance at reversing or stopping the disease progression.

  • Follow-Up Visit

    Once we have a detailed look at your lifestyle, diet, genetics, hormones, etc. we will craft a specific protocol to address the specific needs of your body. During your follow-up visits we will explain your lab results and what they mean for you, go over your protocol, and check in with you to make sure you have everything you need and answer any questions you may have.



$199 first time


Initial consultation with a functional health professional.


$149 follow-up


Lab reviews and follow-up consultations.


Jackie and David have a great attitude. I got always positive vibes from them. My neck feels better and my health got improved. Good adjustments and service overall.

Frank N.